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The story and journey with Monsieur George and digital puppets.

The Spark

It all might have begun in 2008, when I encountered a street performer in Colombia. The whimsical movements of the character, combined with the music, captivated me. Eager to film the show, I lost track of him. A friend and I drove around various city squares in Bogotá, trying to find him again.


And we did!

Early R&D

That street act stayed with me, and in 2019, I became thrilled about using VR to puppeteer a virtual mannequin. The idea of being present in VR with a controllable rag doll right in front of me was incredibly exciting. So, I began programming the necessary controls and setting up for this type of performance.


Here are a few early rigging tests I've done :)

Early acting tests

While doing some rigging test, fooling around was a given - so I started Dubbing the mannequin, even singing playfully :)

Discovering Symbolism: A Mannequin's Journey

I don't know how exactly it slipped into my systems, but I started rehearsing to "I Will Go Sailing No More" from Toy Story. It was only later I made the link that a mannequin is acting on Buzz Lightyear's moment of realization that he is a toy. Super symbolic. So, I put a hat on the mannequin and worked with Randy Newman's beautiful music!


As I began posting on Instagram to build my social media presence, I realized I couldn't use "Sailing No More" because it's a famous copyrighted song. So, I thought, why not create my own version of the song? I'd love to sing it myself! So I started a whole new setup, look and style.


Monsieur George was born shortly after!

The base Mannequin: A Journey with Midjourney

After a few prompts in Midjourney I got some interesting results. I tried to get a simple yet appealing mannequin design. I took the one I loved most and made it's legs and arms longer... and walla! The base mannequin was created :) 


Here are a few excerpts of my prompt journey.

The Emergence of Initial Characters

In addition to Monsieur George, who emerged from my collaboration with Eden Hermony at DiNG - Musicbox Studio, three other characters have come to life. Each had their own twist and all found their way into existence!


Major Tom

John, MC

Monsieur George

Mutti Baba

Visuals and Music since forever

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